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Croatian national football team explores ancient Egyptian wonders in Egypt

Croatian national football team explores ancient Egyptian wonders in Egypt

The Croatian national team led by Real Madrid's star Luka Modric, amid their participation in the

Cairo Cup Football Championship in Egypt, embarked on a unique cultural journey to the Giza

Plateau to explore ancient Egyptian wonders.

The team embraced their passion for football and casually dribbled the ball against the Giza

Pyramids' backdrop.

Tourism holds immense significance for Egypt's economy, being a key source of revenue

alongside other sectors like remittances, the Suez Canal, and foreign direct investments.

Egypt is expected to experience an unprecedented year in terms of tourism in 2024, according to

Google searches.

Egypt ranks third among the top 10 most-booked destinations list for 2024, recent data of the

trip booking platform Flash Pack, specializing in trips for solo travelers in their 30s and 40s,
